Wednesday, 9 April 2008



ivano said...

I spent one hour in Milan waiting for my train to Mantova. So that's why the video in front of the station. I stayed in Mantova four days from the 31 of march till the 3d of april. I went to visit my mum and sister. It was in fact the 82d birtday of my mother... I didn't see anybody because averyone were working. Anyway it was nice to stay at home and at least to read a book and take a rest. Ivano.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Mousolini´s hands, seen that train Station.
I hope that your mum and sister are fine, in spite of the age of mummy.
It is good to read...........

ivano said...

Actually I love this station. At the moment it is under renovation and inside there is no way to get a nice coffee and a place to have a rest. But still huge and monumental and of course Mussolini left its print. Ivano.